You can arrange an appointment by either emailing or calling 07776 496 514 between 09.00 - 17.00.
£80 for initial 1.5 - 2 hour assessment and setting of an initial treatment plan
£50 for 1 hour follow-up appointments
Payment by cash, BACS or cheque (made payable to "Isobel Smith")
I am registered with a variety of different health insurance companies and I am happy to treat people under their health insurance.
Travel over 5 miles from base will be charged at 45p per mile from base in Cheltenham.
What to expect at your initial appointment:
You will be visited in the comfort of your own home, or a place of your choosing.
The assessment will discuss your current problem, whether you have had any major operations / accidents/ illnesses, what medication you are taking, breathlessness and activity levels.
You will be assessed physically by checking your oxygen saturation via a saturation probe (a bit like a peg on your finger), your blood pressure, listening to your breathing with a stethoscope to assess your breathing pattern.
An initial treatment plan will then be devised and given to you, depending upon your requirements.
For more information on the conditions we treat and services we offer, or to book an appointment please call
07776 496514 or email us at

Conditions Treated
- Long Covid
- CF
- Asthma
- Hyperventilation
- Bronchiectasis
- recovering from pneumonia or a lingering chest infection
Contact Us
Call: 07776 496514